The Indian outbound travel market has grown from around 1_______ million in 1977 to an expected 11-13 million this year. In percentage terms, it is now the fastest-growing market in the world and in terms of numbers, it's the 2___________ fastest after China.
In response to the 3___________ many countries — including Ireland, Spain, South Korea and Poland — have opened tourist offices in India. Many others offer packages and run 4 ___________specifically directed at the Indian tourist.
5 ________ of all outbound trips by Indians are for business purposes, while leisure, visiting friends and relatives (6______) and other reasons each account for 20% of outbound trips from India. International Indian tourists are generally 7_________ years of age, a larger proportion being males (65%) than females (35%). They are well-educated and belong to the upper 8 ________strata of society. The majority is married (75%) and two-thirds of leisure travellers tend to holiday abroad with their family.
Countries such as Malaysia, Thailand and Singapore remain the most preferred destinations, due to their 9__________ and cheaper costs. However, Western cities, especially New York and London, are extremely popular destinations. In 2010, London had almost 250,000 Indian visitors and New York had 10 ______, a 26% increase on the previous year.



Ответ дал: daniarkakim661


The Indian outbound travel market has grown from around 1.85 million in 1977 to an expected 11-13 million this year. In percentage terms, it is now the fastest-growing market in the world and in terms of numbers, it's the second fastest after China. In response to the boom, many countries — including Ireland, Spain, South Korea, and Poland — have opened tourist offices in India. Many others offer packages and run campaigns specifically directed at the Indian tourist. Forty percent of all outbound trips by Indians are for business purposes, while leisure, visiting friends and relatives (VFR), and other reasons each account for 20% of outbound trips from India. International Indian tourists are generally 25-65 years of age, with a larger proportion being males (65%) than females (35%). They are well-educated and belong to the upper socio-economic strata of society. The majority is married (75%), and two-thirds of leisure travelers tend to holiday abroad with their family. Countries such as Malaysia, Thailand, and Singapore remain the most preferred destinations, due to their proximity and cheaper costs. However, Western cities, especially New York and London, are extremely popular destinations. In 2010, London had almost 250,000 Indian visitors, and New York had 3.7 million, a 26% increase on the previous year.

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