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Ответ дал: a06456582

2) If we hadn't missed our bus, we wouldn't have had to take a taxi.

3) If you hadn't been so rude to her, she wouldn't have gotten angry.

4) If Josh had studied hard, he wouldn't have failed his exam.

5) If I had known what to say, I would have said something.

6) If you had listened to the teacher, you would have understood the lesson.

7) If my parents hadn't had a lot of work to do last summer, they would have gone on holiday.


1) If the Incas had paper, their architects wouldn't have needed to make models in clay for the builders to follow.

2a) If Napoleon had lived beyond 1821, he might have had his photograph taken.

2b) If the camera had been invented before 1821, Napoleon might have had his photograph taken.

3) If penicillin hadn't been discovered in 1928, many lives might have been lost in World War II.
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