Choose the correct option.

1) A mix B fry C slice

2) A any B a lot of C many

3) A fresh B strong C wild

4) A a B an C the

5) A cup B bar C loaf

1) I usually have an egg because they are quick to ¹_______
2)But weekends are different. On Saturday mornings, I spend ²______ time in the kitchen
3) I always drink ³_____ orange juice. I usually make ⁴______ omelette but sometimes I make big sandwiches for my family too. My mom always buys a ⁵_____ of bread on Saturday morning. It's delicious​


Ответ дал: Trubochist1k


1) I usually have an egg because they are quick to fry.

2) But weekends are different. On Saturday mornings, I spend a lot of time in the kitchen.

3) I always drink fresh orange juice. I usually make an omelette but sometimes I make big sandwiches for my family too. My mom always buys a loaf of bread on Saturday morning. It's delicious.


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