Ех.6.АCTIVATE Interview your partner about their animal. Use your answers in exercise 5. How big is your animal? It isn't very big.Пожалуйста помогите ​


Ответ дал: Ignatiy1966

Ответ:It sounds like you're working on an exercise related to discussing someone's pet or animal. In this case, you'd ask your partner about the size of their animal and use that information in a conversation or exercise. For instance, if your partner's animal isn't very big, you might use that detail in a conversation as follows:

Interviewer: How big is your animal?

Partner: It isn't very big.

Then, in exercise 5 or a subsequent task, you might need to incorporate this information into a conversation or a descriptive paragraph about the animal. For example, you could say something like, "My friend's pet is a charming little creature. It isn't very big, but it's full of energy and personality."


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