a Form the present perfect with to have + the past participle of the verb. The past participle of regular verbs ends in -ed. AFFIRMATIVE I have ('ve) passed. You have ('ve) passed. He has ('s) passed. She has ('s) passed. It has ('s) passed. We have ('ve) passed. You have ('ve) passed. They have ('ve) passed. a) do b) swim c) cook d) meet Singular b We use the present perfect to talk about actions and experiences in the past. She's swum in the Amazon. Plural 2 Find the past participles of the verbs in the box. been cooked swum met visited -done read climbed done e) climb f) visit g) be h) read 3 Unscramble the sentences. a) museum /We've / that/ twice./ visited b) many /1/ read / book / have / times./ this c) have/They/with/ been/to/ the / their / zoo / parents. d) met / I've / famous./ someone e) three / climbed / Mount Everest / times./ She's 4 Complete the sentences and write have or has. a) He/see/ a ghost. He has seen a ghost. b) She / eat / a big pizza. c) They / buy / a house / Italy. d) My dad / work/ for that company. e) We / watch / this movie / twice. помогите пожалуйста пожалуйста пожалуйста пожалуйста пожалуйста.дам 40 баллов
заранее, спасибо​



Ответ дал: Ignatiy1966

Ответ:Sure, I'll help complete the sentences using the present perfect forms and the appropriate verbs:

b) She has eaten a big pizza.

c) They have bought a house in Italy.

d) My dad has worked for that company.

e) We have watched this movie twice.


aidanamurat2011: спасибо огромное!!!!
adilmur75: Айдана?
adilmur75: ты списиваешь
aidanamurat2011: , _,
aidanamurat2011: ты кто
adilmur75: адиль
aidanamurat2011: а получается ты тоже
adilmur75: ..
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