нарисать 5 предложений с President perfect 50 баллов​


Ответ дал: JaneClements


1. **I have visited Paris three times.**

  - Present Perfect is shown in the use of "have visited," indicating that the action of visiting Paris has occurred at an unspecified time in the past and has relevance to the present.

2. **She has lived in London for five years.**

  - Present Perfect is used with "has lived" to convey that the action of living in London started in the past and continues up to the present moment.

3. **We haven't seen that movie yet.**

  - Present Perfect is evident in the negative form "haven't seen," indicating that the action of seeing the movie has not occurred up to the present point in time.

4. **Have you ever tried sushi?**

  - Present Perfect is used in the question "Have you tried," suggesting an unspecified time in the past when the action of trying sushi might have occurred.

5. **They have just finished their exams.**

  - Present Perfect is demonstrated with "have just finished," indicating a very recent completion of the action of finishing exams with a connection to the present moment.

Ответ дал: kobznina2


I will study English better

I will go to the cinema with my friends tomorrow at 5:00 p.m

I will prepare because I have a biology test tomorrow

I love dogs very much, so in the future I will get a dog named Chabi

In the next symmetry, I will study better

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