3. Put the adverb of frequeney in the correct place in the sentence.
Example: In Thailand people touch other people's head. (never)
In Thailand people never touch other people's head.
1) In Japan people take off their shoes before they enter the house.
2) In Arabic countries people eat when they are standing or walking.
3) People give yellow flowers in Bulgaria. (never)
4) Russians touch other people's clothes and ask where people got them. (often)
5) Swiss watches cost a lot of money. (sometimes)
6) People in Germany give flowers wrapped in paper. (hardly ever)
7) In China watches are bad presents. (usually)


Ответ дал: kudrasovasofa264


1. always

2. never

3. never

4. often

5. often

6. hardly

7. usually

ysonov2011: ты что тупой
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