You want to do the Duke of Edinburgh Award and you are looking for people to do it with you. Write a message to put on the bulletin board in your school.

• Introduce yourself and explain what your idea is.

• Describe your personality.

• Suggest the activities you would like to do, and say what kind of people you are looking for.

Надо написать сообщение:

1) представьтесь и объясните какова ваша идея.

2) опишите свою личность.

3) предложите активные виды деятельности, которые вы хотите делать и скажите каких людей вы хотели бы видеть.


Ответ дал: sofiyasviridenko2000
Subject: Join Me for the Duke of Edinburgh Award Adventure!

Hello, fellow students!

I'm [Your Name], and I'm thrilled to embark on the Duke of Edinburgh Award journey. The idea is to challenge ourselves, explore new horizons, and build lasting memories.

In terms of my personality, I'm an adventurous and open-minded individual who believes in the power of teamwork and personal growth. I'm looking for like-minded peers to join me on this exciting adventure.

For activities, I'm keen on hiking, camping, and community service projects. If you're someone who enjoys the great outdoors, values community engagement, and is ready for a bit of a challenge, you're the person I'm looking for!

Let's make this Duke of Edinburgh Award experience unforgettable together. If you're interested, let's connect and plan our journey to success!
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