Circle the correct words.

1 Don't throw your skis away. You might/ might not need them later.

2 You don't need to take a jumper. It will/ won't be cold there.

3 There's a lot of traffic today. We might/ might not be late for school.

4 Take your umbrella. I'm sure it will/may rain soon.

5 I have no definite plans for my holiday, but I will/might go to Scotland for a few days.

6 A: Do you think France will/might win?

B: They will/might, but Holland are a very good team too.

7 Anne is ill, so I'm sure she may not / won't go to the party on Saturday

Complete the sentences. Use might or might not and the verbs.
1 Don't give that ice cream to the cat! It might be.. (be) sick!
2 A: Where's Alicia?
B: I'm not sure. I think she her piano lesson. (be) at
3 I don't know if this book is a good present for my brother. He (like) it.
4 Don't put that glass there! Someone (break) it.
5 I'm worried about my maths test tomorrow. L (pass) it!
6 In the future, people will probably travel in space and they planets. (live) on other
7 I feel awful. I think I (have) flu.


Ответ дал: zwkxm


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