Read and complete the sentences with the words in the box. When you write a story: use the words when and while to link two past actions. When I saw the bus, I started running. When Pete arrived home, his parents were having lunch. While I was walking home, I met my teacher. Kate was listening to music while she was drawing. use adjectives like surprised, shocked, scared, etc. to describe how you felt and adverbs like suddenly. (un) luckily and (un)fortunately.
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Ответ дал: meowwxsn

When I woke up that morning, it was raining heavily outside. I quickly got ready and grabbed my umbrella before heading out to catch the bus to school. As I was waiting at the bus stop, I noticed a flash of lightning in the distance. Suddenly, a loud crack of thunder echoed through the air, making me jump in surprise. I felt a bit scared, but I knew I had to get to school on time.

When the bus finally arrived, I quickly boarded and found a seat near the back. It was crowded, and everyone was getting wet from the rain that was blowing in through the open windows. I was lucky to have my umbrella with me. While I was sitting on the bus, trying my best to stay dry, I saw a familiar face. It was my best friend, Sarah. She looked as surprised as I was to see each other on the same bus.

As the bus continued on its route, the rain didn't let up. It was pouring outside, and the streets were starting to flood. While I was looking out the window at the rain-soaked sidewalks, I noticed my math teacher, Mr. Johnson, walking with an umbrella over his head. I was shocked to see him out in this weather but figured he must have had an important meeting or errand to run.

When the bus finally reached my stop, I hurriedly got off and ran towards the school entrance. I was relieved to be inside where it was dry. Once I got to my classroom, I saw Kate sitting at her desk, listening to music on her headphones. She seemed completely unfazed by the rainstorm outside. She glanced up and smiled when she saw me, and I couldn't help but feel amazed at how calm and composed she looked.

As I settled into my seat, trying to dry off, our teacher, Mrs. Brown, walked into the classroom. She looked tired but smiled and greeted us warmly. She commented on the weather and how lucky we were to be inside. I couldn't agree more. Even though the rainstorm had caught me off guard and made me feel a bit scared, I was fortunate to have made it to school safely and have a warm and welcoming classroom to be in.

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