Fill in the verbs from the box.
Yesterday I ------------ at the party. The party ------------- its theme.                     made
It ----------------- Teddy Bear Party. I -------------- it very much. My                        decorated
friend*s mother --------------- a big cake in a form of bear. We                           played
--------------- bear masks, party hats, posters. My friends and                           liked
I -------------- the room with pictures and toys. We --------------                             was
games and --------------------- each other presents. We also                               celebrated
---------------------- the songs and dances.                                                          had


Ответ дал: LifeBlood
1 -was
2 -  
3 -  celebrated
4 - enjoyed
5 - made
6 - had
7 - decorated
8 -  played
9 - gave
10 - 
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