20 Put the verbs in brackets into the present perfect simple or the present perfect continuous. 1 A: Are you still packing for your holidays? 2 B: No. I total (just/finish). A: How long (you/wait) for the bus? B: For about half an hour. 3 A: (you/always/have) a fear of flying? B: Yes, I (be) afraid of flying all my life. 4 A: Is Brian still at the beach? B: Yes, he (surf) all morning. 5 A: Does Kate plan to take a gap year after secondary school? B: As far as I know, she (not/decide) yet. 6 A: Peter speaks German very well. B: I know. He (study) it for eight years now. 7 A: Why are you angry with Lenny? B: He (use) my camera without asking me! (you/ever/eat) Thai food? 8 A: B No, but I'd like to try some. 9 A: Why are your boots so dirty, Alan? B: I (hike) in the forest all morning.​


Ответ дал: musculi2012

Ответ: B: No, I totally have just finished.

A: How long have you been waiting for the bus?

B: Yes, I have always had a fear of flying. I have been afraid of flying all my life.

B: Yes, he has been surfing all morning.

B: As far as I know, she has not decided yet.

B: I know. He has been studying it for eight years now.

B: He used my camera without asking me! (Have you ever eaten) Thai food?

B: No, but I'd like to try some.B: I have been hiking in the forest all morning.

B: No, I totally have just finished.A: How long have you been waiting for the bus?

B: Yes, I have always had a fear of flying. I have been afraid of flying all my life.

B: Yes, he has been surfing all morning.

B: As far as I know, she has not decided yet.B: I know. He has been studying it for eight years now.

B: He used my camera without asking me! (Have you ever eaten) Thai food?

B: No, but I'd like to try some.

B: I have been hiking in the Forest all morning.


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