6. Match the definitions with the correct phrasal verb.
1. to change or develop into something different
2. to develop in a particular result
3. to not accept an offer or request, to refuse
4. to give something to the person who has officially asked for it or who is in
7. Replace the underlined word combinations with the
correct phrasal verb from exercise 6.
1. The teacher asked the students to give their copy-books to her:
The teacher asked the students to turn in their papers.
2. How could you reject such a nice job offer?
3. Obviously, I'm disappointed at the way the things have developed.
4. Our holiday developed into a nightmare.


Ответ дал: JaneClements


turn into: to change or develop into something different

turn out: to develop in a particular result

turn down: to not accept an offer or request, to refuse

turn in: to give something to the person who has officially asked for it or who is in charge


The teacher asked the students to turn in their copy-books to her.

How could you turn down such a nice job offer?

Obviously, I'm disappointed at the way the things have turned out.

Our holiday turned into a nightmare.

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