1 Read and complete the sentences. Use the words in the box. 5 artistic December 6 1 My best friend is very 2 We shouldn't 3 Will's is on 4 My younger brother is very the ball really far. The new student is from born birthday funny laugh My older sister is have a funny . She tells jokes. Her jokes make me or be noisy. We shouldn't make the baby 16th. Brazil smart cry shout sporty throw story. . He plays basketball. He can . But she was in Spain. She paints and makes movies. Her movies alway​



Ответ дал: msmaks2020

Ответ:My best friend is very artistic. She paints and makes movies.

We shouldn't shout or be noisy.

Will's birthday is on December 6th.

My younger brother is very sporty. He can throw the ball really far.

The new student is from Brazil. He plays basketball.

My older sister is funny. She tells jokes. Her jokes make me laugh.

We shouldn't make the baby cry.

She was born in Spain.

Her movies always have a story.

My best friend is very smart.


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shahloataboeva: сп
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