Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words in brackets. Add any other necessary words.
1. Rita isn't at home now. She.....( leave/home) work.
2. I can't accept this offer because I...(not work) a team before.
3. That's the best offer. All my previous jobs...(be / bad / paid).
4. That's something new for us. We....(not work) our own before.
5. He knows the rules. He..(wear / uniform) many times. ​


Ответ дал: yuriucorchemny


1. Rita isn't at home now. She **has left** for work.

2. I can't accept this offer because I **have not worked** in a team before.

3. That's the best offer. All my previous jobs **have been badly paid**.

4. That's something new for us. We **have not worked** on our own before.

5. He knows the rules. He **has worn a uniform** many times.

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