Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в форме Past Simple или Present Perfect:
1. Anyone (see) my mobile? I can't find it.
2. My laptop (break down) again. It's time to buy a new one.
3. It (rain) for a couple of hours yesterday evening.
4. You (be) late for classes twice this week!
5. I (sign up) for Instagram with my Facebook account.
6. We (live) in Minsk for five years and then (move) to Warsaw.
7. Since when it (be) against the rules to have a coffee break?
8. He (give up) smoking yet? When he (do) it?
9. Long time no talk! I can't believe it (be) two weeks since I last (post).
10. When you (go) out this morning, you (leave) the front door unlocked.​


Ответ дал: teachernewinnov


1. Has anyone seen my mobile? I can't find it.

2. My laptop broke down again. It's time to buy a new one.

3. It rained for a couple of hours yesterday evening.

4. You were late for classes twice this week!

5. I have signed up for Instagram with my Facebook account.

6. We lived in Minsk for five years and then moved to Warsaw.

7. Since when has it been against the rules to have a coffee break?

8. Has he given up smoking yet? When did he do it?

9. Long time no talk! I can't believe it has been two weeks since I last posted.

10. When you went out this morning, did you leave the front door unlocked?

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