Present perfect - past simple Exercise 1. Choose the correct option in each pair to complete the dialogue. Have you seen - Did you see didn't haven't have talked talked didn't see haven't seen did he travel - has he travelled flew - has flown was in have been to have spent - spent was never in - have never been to has Greg come - did Greg come called have called was has been A: B: No, I But I A: Where B: He A: I B: Really? My wife and I Greg lately? A: I don't know. I him since then. ? Greece. By the way, to him at the airport two weeks ago. to Greece for a holiday. Greece three times. I love Greece. a week in Turkey last year, but I back yet? him yesterday, but there no reply.​


Ответ дал: anahitas2009



Let's complete the dialogue with the correct options:

A: Have you seen Greg lately?

B: No, I haven't seen him since then. Did he travel to Greece?

A: Yes, he flew to Greece for a holiday. By the way, have you been to Greece?

B: No, I have never been to Greece. Really? My wife and I have spent a week in Turkey last year, but we haven't been back yet?

A: Have you ever been to Greece?

B: No, I haven't been to Greece three times. I love Greece. Did Greg come to him yesterday, but there was no reply.

A: Has Greg come back yet?

B: I don't know. I called him yesterday, but there was no reply.

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