Interview your classmates to find out how many people in your class...

a) never or seldom watch television

b) watch TV from 2 to 4 hours a day

) watch TV more than 4 hours a day c

d) watch only their favourite programmes

e) watch anything that is on


TV games

• documentaries

educational programm

⚫ sports programmes

⚫ cartoons

musical programm

f) prefer watching​


Ответ дал: Black1phy
I can help you formulate questions for your classmates:

a) How many of you never or seldom watch television?

b) Who watches TV from 2 to 4 hours a day?

c) Is there anyone who watches TV more than 4 hours a day?

d) Who only watches their favorite programs?

e) How many watch anything that is on, including films, TV games, documentaries, educational programs, sports programs, cartoons, and musical programs?

f) Do some of your classmates prefer watching something specific over others?
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