Put letter 'd' if the relative clause is defining or letter 'n' if it is non-defining.

1 The programme that I watched on TV last night was very interesting.
2 My dog, which I bought a year ago, has given birth to 8 puppies!
3 Walter's grandmother, who lives in Scotland, got married yesterday.
4 Jessica and John, who have moved in next door, are both dentists.
5 The tree we planted last month is growing nicely.
6 Bill Gates, who is the richest man on earth, lives in Medina, Washington.
7 My child who's afraid of spiders wants to go camping this weekend.
8 The man that I told you about has asked Minnie out on a date.
9 The hotel, where you can book a room, has two swimming pools and a bar.
10 The shop where you can buy a map is just down the road from here.


Ответ дал: maynastysha2009


1. d

2. d

3. n

4. n

5. d

6. n

7. d

8. d

9. n

10. d

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