Абай Құнанбаев "көктем" ағылшынша срочнооо


Ответ дал: aliyamh


There will be no summer, the streak of winter,

The face of the earth is like a mast.

Animals, humans,

The eyes of the sun move like parents.

The beauty of summer comes with the bird of the year,

He laughs happily with his girlfriend.

An old woman and a cripple, as if fresh from the grave,

Jalbandsar in his own way.

The country of the border mingles with the country of the imagination,

Smile, meet and hug.

The necks of the young people chased by the farmer are loose,

Whispering, whispering, whispering.

The camels bleat, the sheep bleat - the barn is noisy,

Doo-doo with butterflies and birds.

Flowers and trees bend,

The water is rustling and flowing.

Объяснение:просто скопируй оригинал и переведи в переводчике, а это все что я

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