Are you still looking ... a job? 1) of 2) about 3) for 4) through 2. Have a look ... my papers! I am the best candidate for this position. 1) for 2) into 3) to 4) at 3. He looked the proposals ... before approving them. 1) for 2) after 3) through 4) by 4. It's easier to take a computer to pieces than to put it ... again. 1) apart 2) aside 3) about 4) together 5. Everyday I get ... at 8 o'clock. 1) on 2) off 3) up 4) into 6. I must look ... these bills and check them before I pay them. 1) for 2) through 3) about 4) off 1. Are you still looking 7. How are you getting ... ? 1) about 2) for 3) along 4) in 8. I can't open the box ... this key. 1) with 2) by 3) for 4) in 9. I can't write ... this pen. 1) by 2) for 3) with 4) within 10. He will be waiting ... you in the park. 1) forward 2) forward 3) for 4) to 11. At four o'clock she puts ... her hat and coat and goes ... home. 1) on; to 2) on; -- 3) to; to 4) to; on 12. He repeated the question and waited ... the answer. 1) forward 2) forward 3) to 4) for 13. I have looked ... the book everywhere but I can't find it. 1) for 2) at 3) on 4) upon 14. I am in a hurry. John is waiting ... me. 1) for 2) to 3) at 4) forward 15. It's warm here. You may take ... your jacket. 1) off 2) of 3) from 4) out of 16. If you are a manager, you must take ... heavy responsibilities to administer the work. 1) for 2) on 3) in 4) into 17. He's well able to look ... himself. 1) for 2) after 3) in 4) through 18. Kate fell off a horse and put her shoulder ... . 1) in 2) out 3) out of 4) off 19. How long will you need to put this business deal ... ? 1) through 2) in 3) into 4) by 20. If we all hang ..., our plan will succeed. 1) apart 2) away 3) on 4) together 21. A car makes it easier to get .... 1) in 2) by 3) about 4) through 22. Jane has got ... of all the other students in her class. 1) forward 2) before 3) away 4) ahead 23. I can't get ... these shoes! They are three sizes too small. 1) into 2) on 3) onto 4) to 24. Get... my car! I will give a lift. 1) on 2) into 3) off 4) of 25. I started as soon as your message got ... to me. 1) to 2) in 3) through 4) on 26. His watch is made ... gold. 1) from 2) out of 3) of 4) with 27. He put ... his going to the dentist. 1) for 2) off 3) away 4) aside 28. It's hard work but if you hang ..., you'll succeed in the end. 1) over 2) on 3) back 4) in 29. Everybody was there ... my brother. 1) without 2) except 3) beside 4) alongside 30. I looked the window and saw a little girl standing in the street. 1) out of 2) on 3) in 4) from 31. Are you going... home? - No, I am going to the library. 1) to 2) -- 3) at 4) from ​


Ответ дал: aksenovaa52
1. Are you still looking **for** a job?
2. Have a look **at** my papers! I am the best candidate for this position.
3. He looked the proposals **over** before approving them.
4. It's easier to take a computer to pieces than to put it **together** again.
5. Every day I get **up** at 8 o'clock.
6. I must look **through** these bills and check them before I pay them.
7. How are you getting **along**?
8. I can't open the box **without** this key.
9. I can't write **with** this pen.
10. He will be waiting **for** you in the park.
11. At four o'clock she puts **on** her hat and coat and goes **home**.
12. He repeated the question and waited **for** the answer.
13. I have looked **for** the book everywhere but I can't find it.
14. I am in a hurry. John is waiting **for** me.
15. It's warm here. You may take **off** your jacket.
16. If you are a manager, you must take **on** heavy responsibilities to administer the work.
17. He's well able to look **after** himself.
18. Kate fell off a horse and put her shoulder **out**.
19. How long will you need to put this business deal **through**?
20. If we all hang **together**, our plan will succeed.
21. A car makes it easier to get **about**.
22. Jane has got **ahead** of all the other students in her class.
23. I can't get **into** these shoes! They are three sizes too small.
24. Get **into** my car! I will give a lift.
25. I started as soon as your message got **through** to me.
26. His watch is made **of** gold.
27. He put **off** his going to the dentist.
28. It's hard work but if you hang **on**, you'll succeed in the end.
29. Everybody was there **except** my brother.
30. I looked **out of** the window and saw a little girl standing in the street.
31. Are you going **home**? - No, I am going to the library.
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