(25 балов)
Discuss the following questions and read the text.
1. Have you ever thought of working abroad?
2. Why do people sometimes go to work abroad?
3. How important the following skills are when looking for employment abroad:
• language
• driving
• managerial
• social


According to Eurostat, around 1 million citizens of EU countries are now living
and working in Britain – but there are also around 1 million Britons living and
working in the rest of the EU. Until recently British chose English speaking
countries like the USA or Australia as their destination. Now due to new work
regulations it is much easier to work in any country within the EU. Some of the
most popular destinations are France, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and Denmark. But
is the idea of mobile European workers fact or fiction and what is it like to work in
another country? Finding work abroad can be very challenging. Getting used to a
new way of life, new people and a new culture takes time and effort. Also you will
have new places to visit and maybe a new language to learn. Anyway, moving to a
new country can open up career opportunities that you may not have thought of.
Alexander Thompson, 27, said ‘au revoir’ to the UK and moved to France. He had
studied engineering in Bristol and worked in various companies around England.
But he wasn’t satisfied with work conditions and didn’t see any career prospects.
Also he wanted a different lifestyle. Peter didn’t expect to get a job in his field
immediately. He did a number of different jobs until he was finally hired by
Renault. First he worked there as a technician, then after two years of hard work he
got promoted. After all his experience, he says that his poor level of French was a
big problem at first. He did a two-month language course before he moved to
France, but this still was not enough for his profession. He says that if you want to
get a good job in another country, you have to be able to speak the language really
well. Terry Wilson, 43, is a graphic designer from Scotland. Seven years ago he
went to Switzerland but then he moved to Germany and set up his own advertising
company in Munich*. Now he employs more than 20 people. He says that
Germany is a good place to work in advertising because the Germans think the
British are very creative. He could speak German well before he arrived in the
country. He said that he couldn’t compete with other companies without a good

knowledge of German. Another problem he had there was getting used to new
traffic rules as in Britain you have to drive on your left while in other countries of
Europe you have to do it on the right.
*Munich [‘mjunk] м. Мюнхен
Task 1. Decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F) according
to the text.
1. People do not see many work opportunities in the UK.
2. Until recently British preferred to work in English speaking countries.
3. Now British choose Europe for work because all its citizens speak English
4. Before moving to France Alexander Thompson worked in Renault.
5. The main problem for Mr. Thompson was his poor level of French.
6. Terry Wilson founded an advertising company in Switzerland.
7. Terry Wilson knew German well.
8. Mr. Thompson is 15 years older than Mr. Wilson.
9. British think Germans are very creative.
10. Britain and Germany have different traffic rules.
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Discussion Questions

1. Have you ever thought of working abroad?

- Please share your thoughts and experiences regarding the idea of working in a different country.

2. Why do people sometimes go to work abroad?

- Explore the various reasons people might choose to work in another country. Discuss factors like career opportunities, lifestyle, and personal growth.

3. How important are the following skills when looking for employment abroad:

- Language: Discuss the significance of language skills when working in a foreign country.

- Driving: Explore the relevance of driving skills in different countries and professions.

- Managerial: Consider the importance of managerial skills for those seeking employment abroad.

- Social: Discuss the role of social skills in adapting to a new work environment and culture.

Text Analysis:

1. People do not see many work opportunities in the UK.- False.

The text doesn't suggest this; instead, it mentions that around 1 million Britons are working in the rest of the EU.

2. Until recently, British preferred to work in English-speaking countries.- True.

The text states that until recently, British people often chose English-speaking countries like the USA or Australia.

3. Now British choose Europe for work because all its citizens speak English fluently.- False.

The text mentions that due to new work regulations, it is now much easier to work in any EU country, but it doesn't imply that all citizens speak English fluently.

4. Before moving to France, Alexander Thompson worked in Renault.- False.

Alexander Thompson worked at various companies in England before moving to France, where he eventually got a job at Renault.

5. The main problem for Mr. Thompson was his poor level of French.

- True.

Mr. Thompson mentioned that his poor level of French was a big problem initially when he moved to France.

6. Terry Wilson founded an advertising company in Switzerland.

- False.

Terry Wilson founded his advertising company in Munich, Germany, not Switzerland.

7. Terry Wilson knew German well.

- True.

Terry Wilson mentioned that he could speak German well before arriving in Germany.

8. Mr. Thompson is 15 years older than Mr. Wilson.

- The text doesn't provide information about their age difference.

9.British think Germans are very creative.

- True.

Terry Wilson mentioned that the Germans think the British are very creative.

10.Britain and Germany have different traffic rules. - True.

Terry Wilson mentioned that one of the challenges he faced in Germany was getting used to new traffic rules, as in Britain, you drive on the left, while in other European countries, you drive on the right.

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