3 Use a form of the words in brackets in each gap to complete the sentences. - (apply) for the job; I'd like to make you an offer.
1 Frankly, you are by far the best. (assist) if you like.
2 Ms Snyder is busy right now, but you can speak to her personal.
3 The .(manage) director of our company has a great deal of responsibility.
4 When you first start your job, there will be a three-week exactly what you need to do.
5 Last month, Thomas was promoted to
6 Business is going so well that we hired seven new
7 John's father was a railway. city train system. (train) period so you can le (supervise). Now he's our boss! (employ) in our department last (work) for many years. He helped lay the tracks for the to​


Ответ дал: elamanshripkan2008


1 Frankly, you are by far the best applicant for the job; I'd like to make you an offer.

2 Ms Snyder is busy right now, but you can speak to her personal assistant if you like.

3 The managing director of our company has a great deal of responsibility.

4 When you first start your job, there will be a three-week training period exactly what you need to do.

5 Last month, Thomas was promoted to supervisor.

6 Business is going so well that we hired seven new employees.

7 John's father was a railway supervisor. He worked in our department last year and has been employed for many years. He helped lay the tracks for the city train system.

meruertbahtiarkyzy: спосиба
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