Проанализируйте предложения. Запишите три правила употребления
прилагательных, правильно употребив предлог.
She’s OLD
. It’s a SMALL bag.
He’s a very HAPPY child.
Those are my NEW shoes.
-We put adjectives before / after the verb be.
-We put adjectives before / after a noun.
-We put very before / after adjective


Ответ дал: brawlrico2409

1. Adjectives are placed after the verb "be" (am, is, are, was, were, etc.), such as in "She's OLD."

2. Adjectives are placed before a noun, as seen in "It's a SMALL bag" and "Those are my NEW shoes."

3. The word "very" is placed before an adjective, like in "He's a very HAPPY child."

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