Put the dialogue in the correct order. b Hi, What kind of party is it? C 1 Hi, Sally. Can I ask your advice? I'm going to a party on Saturday. What should I wear? Well, what about wearing these black jeans? And this pink shirt is very stylish. Thanks, that's a good idea. d f 9 Then why don't you put on this floral top? It's very pretty. Yes, it is, but it isn't my shirt. It's mum's and I have to give it back to her. It's my granny's birthday and I have to look smart.​


Ответ дал: brawlrico2409

1. Hi, Sally. Can I ask your advice? I'm going to a party on Saturday. What should I wear?

b. Hi, What kind of party is it?

9. Then why don't you put on this floral top? It's very pretty.

c. Well, what about wearing these black jeans? And this pink shirt is very stylish.

d. Yes, it is, but it isn't my shirt. It's mum's and I have to give it back to her.

f. It's my granny's birthday and I have to look smart.

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