Read the texts again and answer the questions. Write HI (hotel inspector), Z (zookeeper) or P (pilot). Some questions have more than one answer. Who... 1 travels a lot in their job? 2 says they don't make a lot of money? 3 has to see the doctor once a year? 4 makes a lot of money from their job? 5 says things have to be clean? 5 has to write a lot in their job? sometimes has to work long hours? HI, 11 |||0​


Ответ дал: tsashatym22122000
1. **Who travels a lot in their job?**
- **P (pilot)**

2. **Who says they don't make a lot of money?**
- **HI (hotel inspector)**

3. **Who has to see the doctor once a year?**
- This information is not provided in the texts.

4. **Who makes a lot of money from their job?**
- This information is not explicitly provided in the texts.

5. **Who says things have to be clean?**
- **HI (hotel inspector)**
- **Z (zookeeper)**

6. **Who has to write a lot in their job?**
- This information is not provided in the texts.

7. **Who sometimes has to work long hours?**
- **P (pilot)**

aleksejdiana4: спасибо большое
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