1 Work in pairs. Talk on the following items
What does your classroom look like? Would you like to change anything about your class? What is your favourite subject? Why do you like it? How do you prepare for lessons? Do you often forget to do your homework? Are you a hard- working student? Have you ever been late for school? When? Why? What happened? Would you like to be a teacher? Why? / Why not? What kind of activities do you have at school? Do you participate in any of them?

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Ответ дал: oleggoncaruk92208


1. **Classroom Appearance:**

- Describe the physical setup of your classroom. What is the arrangement of desks, the presence of learning aids, and the overall atmosphere?

2. **Desire for Change:**

- Is there anything specific you would like to change about your classroom? It could be related to furniture, decorations, or any other aspect.

3. **Favorite Subject:**

- Share which subject you enjoy the most and explain why. Is it the content, the teacher, or the way it's taught that makes it your favorite?

4. **Lesson Preparation:**

- Discuss your preparation routine for lessons. Do you have any specific methods or habits that help you get ready for class?

5. **Homework Habits:**

- Reflect on your homework completion habits. Do you often forget to do your homework, or are you consistent in completing assignments?

6. **Work Ethic:**

- Consider if you see yourself as a hard-working student. How do you manage your time, and what motivates you to put effort into your studies?

7. **Punctuality:**

- Share any experiences of being late for school. When did it happen, why, and what were the consequences?

8. **Teaching Ambitions:**

- Express whether you would like to become a teacher in the future. What attracts you to the profession, or why do you prefer not to pursue teaching?

9. **School Activities:**

- Discuss the variety of activities your school offers. Are there clubs, sports, or events that you actively participate in or find interesting?

Feel free to expand on each point, sharing personal experiences or preferences. This conversation can provide insights into your school life and help you understand your partner's perspective.

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