Підготувати розповідь про поживну їжу на англійській мові
(5-6 реченнь)

Veronika14536: Proper nutrition is a mandatory point of a healthy lifestyle and a key to the stable functioning of the body as a whole. A balanced diet should become a way of life. You should give up snacks and fast food. It is necessary to chew food thoroughly, not to swallow large pieces. It is strictly forbidden to wash down food with water. The diet must include:
cereals, crops, fruits and vegetables, fish, meat, eggs,
dairy products, nuts,
salt, sugar, fat.


Ответ дал: aksenovaa52

"Nutritious food plays a pivotal role in our daily lives as it serves as the cornerstone of our health and well-being. Such food items are rich in essential nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, proteins, and fibers, which are crucial for the proper functioning of our body. Incorporating nutritious foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats into our diet promotes overall health and supports various bodily functions. Not only does it boost our immunity, but it also aids in maintaining a healthy weight and reduces the risk of chronic diseases like heart ailments, diabetes, and certain cancers. A balanced diet comprising nutrient-dense foods is key to ensuring our body receives the required nourishment to thrive and lead a vibrant life."
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