Складіть 5 речень з англ мови прло те що ви робили минулого тижня, або у чуботу ( тільки 6 клас)


Ответ дал: vitalia23042000
Last week, I visited the museum with my family and learned about historical artifacts.
On Monday, I practiced playing the guitar for my music class in school.
We celebrated my friend's birthday on Wednesday, and we had a great time at the party.
I helped my younger brother with his homework on Thursday evening.
Over the weekend, I enjoyed watching a movie and playing games with my friends.
Ответ дал: korotkovmaksim657


in saturday i like playing with frieds.In morning i doing my homwork on monday. Next to i play computer games.on evening i help mother and father. and sanday i plaing with friends all day. пж можно найкращу відповідь♡

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