Think of a holiday experience of yours. Write a short article for the school magazine (60-80 words). Write: when it was, where you were, who was with you, what you did, how you felt.​


Ответ дал: ri1117
I was at grandma’s dacha on my holiday. I can’t describe that in words, you must just to fell this.

I with my mom and sister arrived in the country on Tuesday evening. Firstly, we went to our temporary beds because we were tired in the end of the way.
For next day we decided to ask grandma to show us surroundings of village because we have never been here before.
After that I with my sister helped our grandma to cook apple pie with apples that we have picked up ourselves!

So, I think it was wonderful!

(Вышло немного больше)

abisaq136: неправильно
abisaq136: потому что нету слов которые в книге
abisaq136: там надо быть when it was. where you were. еше такте
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