43.2 Watch the video again. Check your answers to Exercise 3 and complete the sentences with up to three words. 1 In summer, the temperature is between 35 °C and 45 °C **** 2 Candice White and her husband live in an 3 Inside the house, the temperature can be. ***. 4 The population of Coober Pedy is only..... 5 Most people came to Coober Pedy to look for ..... 6 So, everybody lives and works .....​


Ответ дал: vitalia23042000



In summer, the temperature is between 35 °C and 45 °C scorching hot.

Candice White and her husband live in an underground home.

Inside the house, the temperature can be cooler.

The population of Coober Pedy is only a few thousand.

Most people came to Coober Pedy to look for opals.

So, everybody lives and works underground.

gainullaasylhan: Спасибо большое если бы не ты то меня б родители прихлопнули
alaukasana: это правильно?
qwekag00: это правильно?
samal00049: это правильно?
dayankka0: да
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