5 Answer the questions. How many national parks are there in India? Where can you see baboons and flamingos? Where can you see eagles and wolve's? 11 Where is there a monsoon season? Where is there lots of snow? 7 Cho I wa beco плизз сейчас нужно СРОЧНООО​


Ответ дал: Artek333666


India has a total of 105 national parks. Baboons and flamingos can be observed in various wildlife reserves and national parks in Africa, such as Kruger National Park in South Africa. Eagles and wolves can be spotted in places like Yellowstone National Park in the United States.

The monsoon season occurs in India, typically between June and September, bringing heavy rainfall to various regions. For abundant snow, places like the Swiss Alps in Switzerland or the Himalayas in India can offer a snowy landscape.

aizerekuanyshbai2013: Норм но не понятко давай еще плиз
Artek333666: В задании не указано о конкретном уровне английского, поэтому извини но нет/
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