3 Complete the sentences with the correct adverb form of the adjective in brackets. 1 Please write your name(clear) on the exam paper. 2 Our team didn't win on Saturday. I played.....(bad) of all! 3 You have to speak.... (loud) than that. No one can hear you. 4 Usain Bolt ran... (fast) of all the runners in the 2016 Olympic Games 5.Our new television works... (good). 6.My dad had an accident last year. Now he drives....(careful) than before. 7 My baby brother smiles... (happy) of all the babies I know 8 Fred usually gets up..... (early) than his twin brother.​


Ответ дал: e722403


1 clearly 2 badly 3 loudly 4 fastly 5 good 6 carefully 7 happily 8 earlier

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