До завтра до 15:00 за спам бан прошу як умога швидше заданиє нужно зделать все єсли не все то бан.



Ответ дал: M0hlik

Exercise 4.3
4. Everybody hasn't got a car.

5. They have got a ticket.

6. You have got joy.

7. My mouse hasn't got any cheese.

Exercise 4.4

1. Pupils haven't got any work every day.

2. She hasn't got a brother.

3. We have got some soup for lunch.

4. He has got new jeans.

5. They haven't got any free time today.

6. My sister has got a new hat.

7. We haven't got lessons today.

8. I haven't got any pasta every day.

9. You haven't got a brother and an sister.

Exercise 4.5

My family is quite unique in its own way. My father hasn't got a car because he prefers cycling to work every day. My sister hasn't got a pet, although she loves animals, especially dogs. We haven't got a television in our living room because we like to spend time talking and playing games together instead. My brother hasn't got any doubts about starting his own business; he's very ambitious and determined. Lastly, I haven't got a clear idea of what I want to do in the future, but I am exploring different hobbies to find out what I enjoy the most.

Аноним: Здравствуйте! Помогите пожалуйста мне с английским, задание в моём профиле. Буду очень благодарна за помощь!
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