Read the article again. Are the sentences true (T), false (F) or don't know (DK)?
1 Micropolix is 12,000 square metres. T
2 There's a school at Micropolix.
3 Adults can't go to Micropolix.
4 The Micropolix bank has special money. 5 When children want more money, they go to the Micropolix bank.
6 Children can learn to work as shop assistants at Micropolix.
7 Visitors to Micropolix become better citizens.​


Ответ дал: eazywork


Micropolix is 12,000 square metres. - T (True)

There's a school at Micropolix. - T (True)

Adults can't go to Micropolix. - F (False)

The Micropolix bank has special money. - T (True)

When children want more money, they go to the Micropolix bank. - T (True)

Children can learn to work as shop assistants at Micropolix. - T (True)

Visitors to Micropolix become better citizens. - DK (Don't know)

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