Read the dialogues and circle the correct answer a, b or c. 1 Girl: Is Oak Road near here? Boy: Yes, it's the second road on the left. Girl: @Sorry, can you say that again? b Are you following me? c Did you understand that? 2 Boy: How do you spell your name? Girl: H-a-n-n-a-h. Boy: a Can you explain? b Could you repeat that, please? c Am I speaking too quickly? 3 Boy: My phone number is 600875681. a Did you get that? b Are you following me? c Can you repeat that? Girl: Yes, I did. Thanks. 4 Girl: If you want to send a photo, click on 'share'. a Did you understand that? b Can you explain? c Are you following me? Boy: Yes, I am. Look! I've done it!



Ответ дал: tomorrow172


1. Girl: a Sorry, can you say that again?

- Correct answer: a Did you understand that?

2. Boy: H-a-n-n-a-h.

- Correct answer: b Could you repeat that, please?

3. Boy: My phone number is 600875681

- Correct answer: a Did you get that?

4. Girl: If you want to send a photo, click on 'share'.

- Correct answer: b Can you explain?

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