stand up 20 предложение​


Ответ дал: pupil4b09


1. I always stand up when the national anthem is played.

2. Please stand up and introduce yourself to the class.

3. It's important to stand up for what you believe in.

4. The teacher asked us to stand up and solve the math problem on the board.

5. As the bride entered, everyone stood up in admiration.

6. He couldn't resist the urge to stand up and dance when his favorite song played.

7. Don't forget to stand up straight to maintain good posture.

8. The audience erupted in applause, causing the performers to stand up for a bow.

9. The protest encouraged people to stand up against injustice.

10. After a long flight, it feels good to finally stand up and stretch.

11. The manager asked everyone to stand up for a round of applause for the team's hard work.

12. As a sign of respect, they decided to stand up during the memorial service.

13. The sudden announcement made everyone in the room stand up in surprise.

14. It's common courtesy to stand up and offer your seat to someone in need on public transportation.

15. The charismatic speaker inspired the audience to stand up and take action.

16. The old gentleman struggled to stand up without assistance.

17. In a courtroom, it is customary to stand up when the judge enters.

18. As the captain of the team, he asked everyone to stand up and pledge their commitment.

19. The comedian's jokes were so funny that it was hard to stay seated; everyone wanted to stand up and laugh.

20. The motivational speaker encouraged the audience to stand up for their dreams and aspirations.

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