household chores 12-14 речень ДАМ 100 БАЛІВ​


Ответ дал: kuharevartem17

Ответ:1 Cleaning at home is an essential part of daily life, ensuring cleanliness and order.

2 Every day, I have to tidy up my room, gather things, and put them in their places.

3 Doing laundry and ironing clothes are tasks that need to be done regularly.

4 Washing dishes and maintaining cleanliness in the kitchen help create a pleasant atmosphere at home.

5 Weekly tasks like sweeping the floor, vacuuming, and damp dusting contribute to keeping the home safe and healthy.

6 Watering plants and taking care of pets are also part of the responsibilities.

7 If there are children in the family, chore assignments may include helping with their personal spaces and belongings.

8 Every few weeks, it's important to conduct a more thorough cleaning, focusing on areas that don't receive attention as often.

9 Responsibilities may also include sorting and properly disposing of waste.

10 Avoiding procrastination of chores is crucial to maintaining a clean and organized home over time.

11 Sharing household duties can create an atmosphere of cooperation and mutual support within the family.

12 Remember that household chores are not just a necessity but an opportunity to create a cozy and organized space for the entire family.

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