28.6 REWRITE THE SENTENCES, PUTTING THE WORDS IN THE CORRECT ORDER funny. 1 opera I loved the opera because it was funny. 3 2 thrilling. 10 it the it because the was the was the silly. loved had Tom a enjoyed because boring. it scary. Kay hated film enjoyed 1 was to understand. it 1 because musical book was didn't the had hated really liked like it because because story. Anna slow. it didn't the was because book it play was it was it Sam movie because because it romantic ending. because was loved an the it film difficult Jim the the because enjoy funny. didn't loved show thrilling. 1 enjoy book They was the the because opera exciting​



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I loved the opera because it was funny.

Tom enjoyed the thrilling film because it was silly.

Kay hated the boring film because it was scary.

I didn't understand the musical book because it was too complex.

Anna didn't like the slow play because it was boring.

Sam loved the romantic movie because it had an exciting ending.

Jim didn't enjoy the show because it wasn't funny.

They enjoyed the exciting opera because it was thrilling.

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