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даю 45 балов

1 Exercises Answer the questions. 1) Does Jack like animals and insects? How do you know? 2) Why does Bill stop walking? 3) What has Bill got in his bag? 4) Why does Bill need a loop at the end of the rope? 5) Why can't a baby giraffe run fast? 6) How many kinds of giraffe live in East Africa? 7) Whose name is Spotty?​



Ответ дал: JustStudy

1) Does Jack like animals and insects? How do you know?

Yes, Jack likes animals and insects. We know this because he is looking at the insects and small animals with interest. He also says that he is not afraid of snakes.

2) Why does Bill stop walking?

Bill stops walking because he is looking at the giraffes in the distance. He is interested in them and wants to get closer.

3) What has Bill got in his bag?

Bill has a green bag. We cannot see what is inside it, but it is likely that he has supplies for his work as a zoologist. This could include things like a camera, notebook, and binoculars.

4) Why does Bill need a loop at the end of the rope?

Bill needs a loop at the end of the rope so that he can tie it around the giraffe's neck. This will allow him to lead the giraffe away from the other giraffes so that he can study it more closely.

5) Why can't a baby giraffe run fast?

Baby giraffes have long legs that are still developing. This makes it difficult for them to run fast. Additionally, baby giraffes are still learning how to balance and coordinate their movements.

6) How many kinds of giraffe live in East Africa?

There are three kinds of giraffe that live in East Africa: the Masai giraffe, the reticulated giraffe, and the Somali giraffe.

7) Whose name is Spotty?

Spotty is the name of the baby giraffe in the image.

I hope this answers your questions.

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