18. Complete the sentence according to the passage. Dr.Penny Patterson .... 1. don't believe that Koko understand the signs 2. thinks that Koko knows less than 100 words 3. notes that Koko has mastered sign language 4. thinks that Koko can make up new words A) 1, 2 B) 1,4 C) 2,4 D) 3,4 E) 2,3 19. Choose the true statements according to the passage. 1. There some people say that using languages belongs to only human. 2. The debate about Koko has solved. 3. Koko was born in a Zoo in California. 4. Dr. Penny Patterson is the trainer of Koko. A) 2, 3 B) 1,4 C) 1, 2 D) 2,4 E) 1,3 20. What is the passage mainly about? A) Dr. Penny Patterson B) using American Sign language C) the female gorilla that learned sign language D) the words finger and bracelet E) monkeys and their species 21. Which word from paragraph 2 best fits the following definition "to get knowledge or skill in a new subject or activity"? A) to think B) to know C) to learn D) to say E) to understand 22. Complete the sentence according to the passage using different word(s) and sentence structure. When Koko was one year old, Koko... by Penny Patterson. 23. Write the correct answer to the question according to the passage using different word(s) and sentence structure. What does Koko's making up new words show? 24. Choose the close meaning of the word "to speak" from paragraph 1.

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