Task 2 (28 points).
Как выполнять творческие задания
Give full answers to the questions. Write at least two sentences for each question.
1. Do you like shopping?
2. How often do you shop online?
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of shopping online?
4. Do you prefer shopping alone or with other people?
5. Have you ever spent much money? What did you buy?
6. Do you get excited about sales or discounts?
7. Do you prefer buying things for yourself or for your relatives and friends?


Ответ дал: tylerxxxxx


1. yes! shopping is my favourite thing to do

2. i barely shop online

3. advantages; its easy and you dont have to go outside to buy the things that you want. disadvantages; you cannot see the quality of the item and you cant see how big or how small it is

4. i prefer shopping with my family and alone sometimes

5. yes, i have. i bought gifts for my friends and many clothes

6. yes, i do get excited when i see sales

7. i prefer buying things for myself, but when its holidays i buy things for my friends.

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