Read the text. Match (1-9) with the choices (A-C). Schools in Great Britain The school in Great Britain begins in the middle of September and finishes in July. English children learn school subjects English, Maths (which includes arithmetic, algebra and geometry), History, Geography, foreign languages, Science (which includes biology, zoology, botany, chemistry and physics), ICT, Drawing, Singing, and PE. Schools in Great Britain are open five days a week. The school year of three terms. After each term pupils have holidays. They have holidays in December, April and August and the first half of September. A typical school day lasts 49 a.m. to 16:15 p.m. Every school day starts with the registration. During the registration a teacher reads out each child's name in turn and the child). The teacher makes notes in a special registration book whether the child is in school or not. After that all the schoolchildren have an assembly. They go to the main hall and sit down in rows. During the assembly children listen a story, sing a song and pray. The story is usually from the Bible or it is a story with a moral. When the assembly is over, the les- sons start. Every lesson lasts for one hour and there is a break after each lesson. There are usually four-five lessons a day. Pupils have a lunch break from 12 to 2 p.m. During their lunch break children eat snacks in the school canteen and play in the playground. the lessons are over, children go home or attend different school clubs.​​


Ответ дал: erzanaminov2


1. **When does the school year begin and end?**

- B) September to July

2. **What subjects do English children learn?**

- A) English, Maths, History, Geography, foreign languages, Science, ICT, Drawing, Singing, PE

3. **How many days a week are schools open?**

- B) five days

4. **When do pupils have holidays?**

- C) December, April, and August, and the first half of September

5. **How long does a typical school day last?**

- A) 9 a.m. to 4:15 p.m.

6. **What happens during the registration?**

- C) A teacher reads out each child's name, makes notes in a special book, and checks if the child is in school.

7. **What do children do during the assembly?**

- C) Listen to a story, sing a song, and pray.

8. **How long does every lesson last?**

- A) one hour

9. **What do children do during the lunch break?**

- B) Eat snacks in the school canteen and play in the playground.

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