полезные вещества которые содержатся в яблоке на английском​


Ответ дал: wogpro2


Fiber - improves digestion and heart health

Vitamin C - boosts immunity and antioxidant status

Potassium - regulates blood pressure

Antioxidants - reduce risk of chronic diseases

Vitamin K - supports bone health

Vitamin B6 - aids metabolism and nerve function

Copper - helps form red blood cells

Magnesium - maintains muscle and nerve function

Polyphenols - have anti-inflammatory effects

In short, apples contain a variety of vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants that provide many health benefits. They are nutritious and beneficial for overall wellness.

Ответ дал: Niyaka


Vitamin C (аскорбінова кислота): Supports immune system health.

Vitamin A (ретинол): Important for vision and skin health.

Vitamin K (вітамін К): Essential for blood clotting.

Potassium (калій): Helps regulate blood pressure.

Calcium (кальцій): Important for bone health.

Magnesium (магній): Involved in various physiological processes.

Flavonoids (флавоноїди): Have antioxidant properties.

Quercetin (кверцетин): A type of flavonoid with anti-inflammatory effects.

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