1. Choose the correct variant. The red car over there is .... A) their D) my A) whom D) who 2. Choose the correct variant. The letter... was received yesterday was for Mr. Brown. B) mine E) her gone. A) why D) whom B) whose E) which 3. Choose the correct variant. The man... is looking at us looks like a robber. A) where C) whose D) who B) what E) which 4. Choose the correct variant. The money ... we borrowed from the bank has B) what E) whose A) anyone D) any C) our B) whom E) what C) what 5. Choose the correct variant. This is the girl ... we met at the concert. A) who C) whose D) which A) something B) nothing D) anything E) no 6. Choose the correct variant. I didn't drink... tea in the morning. C) any C) that B) someone E) no one 7. Choose the correct variant. During the quarantine you could hardly see ... in the streets. C) nobody 8. Choose the correct variant. We didn't get ... money from him. B) something A) anything D) any E) no 24 C) nothing A) no one D) any 10. Choose the correct variant. bag is this? Yours or Jane's? A) What D) Which *** STAN B) somebody E) anyone A) Who D) Which 11. Choose the correct variant. of the universities have the best labs? B) Who A) What C) Whose D) Which E) Whom 12. Choose the correct variant. -... your friend's father? - He is an engineer. B) Who E) Whom A) 1,4,5 D) 2,4 13. Choose the correct variant. ... was the letter written by? A) What B) Whose D) Which E) Whom B) What E) Whose 4. Every of A) 1,2,4 D) 2,4,5 14. Choose the correct variant. ... the patients were infected with coronarin 1. Both 3. Each 4. One A) 1,4,5 D) 1,2,5 2. All of 5. Some of 15. Choose the correct variant. ... the exams were difficult. 1. Every of 2. Both 4. Each of 5. Some of B) 1,2,3 E) 2,3,5 B) 2,4 E) 3,5 C) Whose 16. Choose the correct variant. ... the girls are well-dressed. 1. Both 2. Each of 5. Some of B) 1,3,5 E) 1,4 C) Whom C) Who C) 1,3 C) no 3. All C) 1,3 3. All C) 2,3 ... the gues staff. 1. Both 4. One A) 2,4,5 D) 1,4 18. Choose t ... of the stu correctly. 1. Both 4. Every A) 1,2,5 D) 3,5 19. Choose th ... of them wa back. A) All D) Every 20. Choose the of these sold ... A) Some D) Most 21. Choose the of you has so A) Neither D) Somebody 22. Choose the c Father wants ... A) I B D) we E 23. Choose the co I bought these swe A) they B) D) she E) 24. Choose the co: I expected... to wr A) they, theirs C) you, yours E) them, their​


Ответ дал: eazywork


The red car over there is theirs.

The letter that was received yesterday was for Mr. Brown.

The man who is looking at us looks like a robber.

The money that we borrowed from the bank has gone.

This is the girl who we met at the concert.

I didn't drink any tea in the morning.

During the quarantine, you could hardly see anybody in the streets.

We didn't get any money from him.

Whose bag is this? Yours or Jane's?

Which of the universities have the best labs?

Whom is your friend's father?

By whom was the letter written?

Which of the patients were infected with coronarin?

All of the exams were difficult.

Both of the girls are well-dressed.

Each of the guests was served by the staff.

None of the students answered correctly.

Every one of them was glad to be back.

Most of these sold out.

Neither of you has solved the problem.

Father wants us to come home.

I bought these sweets for them.

I expected you to write your own report.

I expected them to write their own reports.

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