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Ответ дал: dianapodlesova


Complete the text with some or any.

I like living in my city - I can't think of (1) any bad things. It's quite small and most people walk or use public transport, so there aren't (2) any traffic jams. There are (3) some great places like the park or sports centre where I can meet my friends. There are also (4) some cheap cafes where we can have a drink and (5) some food. It's a tidy city - there are (6) some recycling bins outside most apartment buildings, and there isn't (7) any rubbish on the floor. Can you think of (8) any good things about your city?

Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1. Is there b) much graffiti in your town?

2. We can't make a pizza. We've only got a) a little cheese.

3. How a) many parks are there in the city centre?

4. Where can we put this rubbish? I can't see b) any bins.

5. I haven't got b) much time right now. Can I help you later?

6. Luckily, I've only got c) a little homework tonight.

7. There are a) a lot of good things about living in the country, like it's quieter.

8. I need to buy c) a few things. Can we go to the supermarket?

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