C) Fill in the blanks with the words given. 1) The kids -------------- well on the stage. 2) My grandmother -------------- on a farm when she was young. 3) I -------------- my time waiting for the bus. 4) Last year we -------------- to Rome. It was a great journey. 5) Nobody -------------- me when I said I would get married that week. 6) It -------------- all the week and we made a huge snowman. 7) After doing all the housework I --------------. It was a tiring day. 8) My father -------------- the fences last Sunday. 9) The woman -------------- her son with pleasure. Then the boy -------------- her mom. 10) The witch --------------Rapunzel in a tower. So, she was so sorry. 11) The man -------------- his seatbelt and -------------- the car. 12) The teacher -------------- our exam papers and -------------- the mistakes. 13) I -------------- some salt to the soup but it still -------------- bad.пропуски надо поставить вот эти слова:Believe,waste,live,correct,look,start,kiss,snow,relax,paint,travel,perform,taste,add,hug,lock,fasten.


Ответ дал: eazywork


The kids performed well on the stage.

My grandmother lived on a farm when she was young.

I wasted my time waiting for the bus.

Last year we traveled to Rome. It was a great journey.

Nobody believed me when I said I would get married that week.

It snowed all week and we made a huge snowman.

After doing all the housework, I relaxed. It was a tiring day.

My father painted the fences last Sunday.

The woman hugged her son with pleasure. Then the boy kissed her mom.

The witch locked Rapunzel in a tower. So, she was so sorry.

The man fastened his seatbelt and started the car.

The teacher corrected our exam papers and pointed out the mistakes.

I added some salt to the soup but it still tasted bad.

Ответ дал: saniadzulumbetova
1) performed
2) lived
3) wasted
4) traveled
5) believed
6) snowed
7) relaxed
8) painted
9) hugged, kissed
10) locked
11) fastened, started
12) corrected, looked
13) added, tasted
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