6 нотаток на английскій мові з проханням до сина виконати якісь хатні справи


Ответ дал: beloshisdima


1. "Dear [Син's Name], could you please take out the trash when you get a moment? Thanks!"

2. "Hi [Син's Name], it would be great if you could help with the dishes after dinner. Thanks a bunch!"

3. "Hey [Син's Name], could you tidy up your room today? I'd really appreciate it!"

4. "Dear [Син's Name], don't forget to walk the dog later. He's been waiting patiently. Thanks!"

5. "Hi [Син's Name], could you please assist with vacuuming the living room? Your help is much needed!"

6. "Hey [Син's Name], we have a few errands to run. Can you please water the plants while we're out? Thanks a million!"

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