Answer the questions in your notebook.
Then discuss your answers in a small group.

• What do you think of life at Mark and Ted's school?
• What are the main differences between school life in Britain and in Ukraine?

Groupwork Speaking Strategies
Always try to speak English.
• Don't interrupt other people.
Respect other people's ideas.
• Choose a secretary to make notes of group decisions.


Ответ дал: sqwadly4

1. **What do you think of life at Mark and Ted's school?**
- Life at Mark and Ted's school appears to be engaging, possibly with a mix of academic and social activities. Specific details about life at their school would depend on the context or information provided earlier.

2. **What are the main differences between school life in Britain and in Ukraine?**
- The main differences between school life in Britain and Ukraine can include variations in educational systems, curriculum, teaching methods, cultural influences, and possibly language of instruction. It would be helpful to provide more specific information or context to tailor the response accurately.

Remember to encourage group members to share their perspectives and experiences, fostering open communication and a collaborative discussion environment.
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