додати слова до речень
fans, musician, becomes famous, become a singer, videos, teaches music, goes on tour, festivals, records

I want to _____(1).
He _____(2) when he records albums.
The musician gives concerts on weekends.
The band _____(3) in the summer.
She _____(4) to young students.
The singer _____(5) a new album this year.
They perform at music _____(6) in the city.
She is a famous _____(7) who plays the guitar.
The band plays rock music for their _____(8).
He makes music _____(9) to promote his songs


Ответ дал: boichuktaisia


1 become famous

2 become singer

3 goes on tour

4 teaches music

5 records

6 festivals

7 musician

8 fans

9 video

boichuktaisia: поставте мені кращу відповідь будь ласкаааа
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